Post Graduation Discovery

At the University of Nottingham we see frequent gestures to Jesse Boot of 'Boots the Chemist'. 

It seemed fitting therefore, to visit Jesse Boots' original apothecary for a post graduation dinner. After a day of donning gowns and caps, feeling wholly like wizards and perfecting our 10m walk across the stage to collect our degree the family and I retired to the hotel before taking a cab to 'near market bar' which was a strange request to hear uttered from my fathers mouth.

'The Larder on Goosgate' is nestled in Hockley, in a building that true to the occasion is a historical talking point of Nottingham. I had visited once before for afternoon tea and it definitely didn't fail to disappoint. The team at the Larder couldn't have been more accommodating to my wheat intolerance and went to great lengths to ensure that my scones, sandwiches and pastries were kept away from those of my friends 

It was the most fantastic afternoon, the gluten free bread was some of the nicest I have ever tasted, moist, light and fresh. The scones whilst they weren't quite as satisfying as the incredible bread were in usual afternoon tea practise used as boats for the jam and cream. The jam served in lovely little Le parfait jars with a healthy serving of clotted cream. Additionally the gluten free cakes were fantastic, I wasn't left feeling hard done by which tends to be the case when ordering gluten free and receiving an abundance of meringue. Overall we had such a brilliant time It would have been a shame to go any where else for a future special occasion. 

The ham hock and guinea fowl terrine, absolutely lovely, just donated my bread which apparently was fantastic

This has to be one of the nicest puddings I have ever eaten, the honey parfait, absolutely delicious. I don't know about you, but I always expect to be disappointed by icy puddings. Not this one!

It got a little dark and romantic, but the sticky toffee pudding definitely hit the spot. 

Thank you to the Larder for making a great day even better, cannot wait to visit again!

Larder on Goosegate on Urbanspoon

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